If you need an appointment with your GP or another health professional , click the appropriate surgery link below for information.
Patients can contact the surgery by telephone to discuss an appointment on 01430 430318. However, Online Access is the fastest way to get advice from your surgery team - and you may not need to come for an appointment.
All online requests regarding new or existing conditions are reviewed by one of our GPs. All other requests are reviewed by the appropriate team. Response time frames depend on the type of query.
You may wish to explore other services, which may be more appropriate for your needs - some of which can be accessed online or by telephone - including NHS 111.
Explore the options for access to a health professional outside normal surgery hours via your Venn Primary Care Network services.
Extended HoursYou can access a wide range of clinical and administrative services online - including 24-hour support for a wide range of non-emergency health concerns,
ONLINE SERVICESSome conditions or circumstances make surgery attendance very difficult or impossible. Please request a home visit before 10am whenever possible.
GP HOME VISITSYou can access a wide range of clinical and administrative services online - including 24-hour support for a wide range of non-emergency health concerns,