Welcome to Howden Medical Centre. Our list is open and we welcome new patients into a modern healthcare centre with a dedicated team of clinicians and staff committed to delivering high quality care to all our patients. The surgery is accessible and we have easy on-site car parking facilities.
This website is designed to keep our patients in touch with practice services and to support you with a wealth of health information. It is constantly under development to take advantage of new technologies which support patient care, streamline administrative processes and improve convenience.
You can now self-refer your pregnancy to us via badger notes. Simply go to www.badgernotes.net/selfreferral and select Goole, Scunthorpe, Grimsby or Pinderfields/York/Hull.
Please note, if you wish to have your care at Goole Hospital, thos would be North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust,
A booking appointment will then be arranged for you. Ideally, this appointment should be around the 8th week of your pregnancy.
The practice has published a new Fear of Flying Policy which can be downloaded below:
>> practice FEAR OF FLYING POLICYAs the weather gets warmer, we find lots of blood tests need repeating as people are dehydrated when they attend.
Please help to save us and you time by drinking plenty of water before a blood test.
If you are hydrated it means you have more fluid in your veins which makes them plumper and more visible.
This makes it easier for us to find your vein and draw blood.
Well-hydrated veins also contribute to a quicker blood test.
If you’re well hydrated, it is easier to take a sample of blood and we are more likely to get an accurate result.
Did you know that emollient creams pose a fire risk?
What do we mean by emollient creams?
Emollient creams are moisturisers that can be used to prevent or treat dry skin conditions like:
• Eczema
• Bed sores
• Ulcers
• Psoriasis
They come in a variety of forms: creams, lotions or gels. All cover the skin with a protective film to reduce water loss.
They can be very flammable, so are a fire safety concern, especially when used by people who spend extended periods in a bed or armchair due to illness or impaired mobility.
There is a risk of severe and fatal burns with all emollients, including paraffin-free products. This risk increases with use of greater amounts of emollient, more frequent application and greater surface area of application.
How can you use emollient creams more safely?
If you, or someone you care for, needs emollient creams, lotions or gels, you can help to by understanding and reducing the related risks.
Understand the risks:
Anyone using emollients regularly should keep well away from fire or naked flames, as emollients easily transfer from the skin and create a build up of residue on bedding, clothing, and dressings increasing their flammability.
Although not flammable in themselves or when on the skin, this build up of residue on fabrics can act as an accelerant, increasing the speed of ignition and intensity of the fire.
In turn, this significantly reduces the time available to act to put out the fire before serious or fatal burns are sustained, and may also be harder to extinguish than a ‘clean’ fabric fire.
Wash regularly
Wash fabrics daily at the highest temperature recommended by the manufacturer with plenty of detergent to reduce the build-up of skin cream; but, please remember, whilst washing at high temperatures might reduce the build-up, it does not remove it completely and there may still be a danger.
Please be aware, emollients can also transfer from skin onto the fabric of furniture, cushions, and blankets when you are sitting or lying on it.
If you are wearing clothing or a bandage that has been in contact with an emollient do not smoke.
If this is not possible, please take steps to ensure you are safe, such as using a flameless lighter or e-cigarette.
Emollient users should also avoid cooking and any naked flames or heat source (such as, gas, halogen, electric bar or open fire) whilst wearing clothing or dressings that have been in contact with emollients or emollient treated skin.
How can you keep yourself safe?
- Don't smoke
- Loose clothing can easily catch fire – take care not to lean over a hot hob and roll up your sleeves if possible when cooking.
-Keep candles away from your clothing, including when lighting them.
-Sit at least one metre away from a heater – sitting too close could easily set light to your clothes or chair.
Demand for appointments is at unparalleled levels. The 999 service is for medical emergencies only. For health advice if it is less than an emergency or if the surgery is closed, NHS 111 service is available on-line or by dialing 111. Please read our 'Choose the Right Service' feature on this page to find the service most appropriate for your needs. For a child under 18 with an acute illness, please refer to the Healthier Together website or download the app
what 0-18 websiteNHS 111 ONLINETHE NHS has issued information and guidance regarding Strep A infections
Book Appointment
Do you live or work in the East Riding of Yorkshire? This website can
help you find your own, personal path to being happy and well. Search by keyword to find local and national services, as well as social, sport and support groups to help you thrive in all aspects of your life
Howden Minster
You can keep up-to-date with the latest news from the practice by visiting the Newsroom or Alerts pages on this website or by visiting our Facebook page. Our live newsfeeds bring you the latest from the NHS, NHSE and from other sources.
There are often no signs or symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage. As a result, sadly around 7 in 10 cancer patients are currently being diagnosed too late. Most lung cancers grow slowly enough for them to be found at an early stage by a lung scan. When lung cancer is diagnosed early, there are more options for treatment and a higher chance or survival.
NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks help find problems early (often before you notice anything is wrong) and at a stage when treatment could be simpler and more successful – ultimately saving more lives. NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks are offered to people aged 55 to 74 who are current or former smokers.
If someone is eligible for a Lung Health Check they will receive a letter from their GP practice inviting them to make an appointment. A lung health check consists of a telephone assessment and some participants may be invited to attend a low dose CT scan on board a mobile unit after their initial telephone appointment. The unit will be operating in easily accessible community locations.
Approximately only 2 in 100 people checked will be diagnosed with lung cancer. If you are diagnosed, attending a check could have saved your life. It is important to attend a lung health check even if you feel fine as some conditions do not display symptoms until later stages.
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of lung cancer, do not wait to be invited to a lung health check appointment to see a healthcare professional.
More information on locations and accessing the unit can be found at www.lunghealthcheck.org.uk
Make the Right Choice
Self Care
Hangover, cough, colds, grazes, small cuts, sore throat.
Self care is possible to treat minor illness & injuries.
A large range of common illnesses can be treated at home with simple over-the -counter medications and rest.
Diarrhoea, earache, painful cough, sticky eye, teething, rashes
A pharmacist can help to treat minor illness & injuries.
A large range of common illnesses can be treated at home with simple over-the -counter medications and rest.
Arthritis, asthma, back pain, vomiting, stomach ache.
GPs have an excellent understanding of general health issues.
Your GP Practice can deal with a wide range of general health problems and refer when required.
Minor Injuries
A & E departments are exceptionally busy with serious emergencies
Cuts , sprains, bruises, itchy rash , minor burns and a range of other minor injuries.
Minor Injury Units will save long waits in A & E and can handle a range of less serious injuries. If unsure call 111.
Hangover, cough, colds, grazes, small cuts, sore throat, advice & guidance
If you are feeling unwell, unsure or if you want health advice & guidance for non-life threatening urgent cases call 111
24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year
999 Service
Severe bleeding, breathing difficulties, severe chest pain, loss of consciousness
Call 999 for serious life-threatening situations. Please click the link below to understand more about emergencies.
24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year
Mental Crisis
Mental health emergencies and serious mental health concerns.
A variety of services are available to deal with a mental health crisis. Help is available through various agencies.
24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year
Health can be positively influenced by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Eat more fruit and vegetables, consume less sugar, exercise more and drink less alcohol.
24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year