Covid-19 Information at The Howden Medical Centre Pinfold Street Howden East Yorkshire DN14 7DD. Tel: 01430 430318

Howden Medical Centre

Pinfold Street
DN14 7DD

NHS Provideing NHS Services#


Coronavirus Covid-19

COVID-19 treatments are offered to people who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and test positive in the community. 

Humber and North Yorkshire has a Single Point of Contact which triages patients who may be eligible and then refers suitable patients onto an appropriate service. If you believe you are eligible and have tested positive for COVID-19 (confirmed by a PCR/LFT test) and are symptomatic, you can self-refer to the triage service using the weblink below

If you are unable to do this, you can contact your GP or NHS 111 for a referral to the service.
If you are unable to do this, you can contact your GP or NHS 111 for a referral to the service.
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